KL Aesthetic

Tattoo Removal in Premier Clinic, Kuala Lumpur

At the recent BFM Health & Living event, we took the opportunity to demonstrate the efficacy of Fotona laser machine. A volunteer request for a tattoo removal during our live demo session, to see if we can help to remove it, and Dr. Chen duly obliged.

Dr. Chen started by consulting the volunteer before he examined the size, color and texture of the tattoo. This is part of our standard protocol, in order to get the treatment right and most important the result after the treatment.

Watch Tattoo Removal Laser Treatment explained by Dr Chen.

The tattoo was located on the abdomen, a delicate part of the body, which Dr. Chen applied topical anesthetic cream so that the volunteer would not feel anything during the procedure. As Dr. Chen worked on the tattoo, it became lighter almost instantaneously.

The laser when in contact with the skin would destroy tattoo particles on the spot, and the number of sessions required to completely remove a tattoo will actually depend on the size and colour of the tattoo. Having said this, the experience and skill of the physician are equally crucial for a pleasant treatment experience. Under the wrong hands, patient might end up with major scarring and in some cases a ‘deformed’ tattoo.

For tattoo removal, call us at 012-662 5552 or contactus@premier-clinic.com.