KL Aesthetic

Miriam Feeling Lighter Ever after Premier Clinic

Blogger Miriam paid a visit to Premier Clinic, determine to lose weight by shedding a few pounds. To her, she doesn’t buy into the hype of being super skinny nor did she wish for a supermodel figure. Rather she felt that lately, her personal weight loss regime has plateaued and if she don’t do something about it, the weight will climb up again.

Not a fan of surgery or aesthetics, she was initially apprehensive about coming to Premier Clinic. Well her pessimism disappeared after she met Dr. Elaine Chong. She realizes that the doctor is genuinely concern for her and provided in-depth consultation during her meeting at Premier Clinic.

For her condition, Dr. Elaine advised her to try Duromine, an oral suppressant that helps to regulate her food intake. She admitted sheepishly that she is a sucker for snacks! This is partly due to irregular eating hour, that she resort to quick snacks which can be unhealthy.

Her time at Premier Clinic has been a pleasant experience, knowing that she is being consulted by an experienced doctor. She is also comfortable with the staffs, and unlike slimming centres, she appreciate being treated professionally without pestering her for purchases that she don’t need.

She set herself a moderate target of losing between 5-7kg and based on recent feedback, things are looking good. She found that her cravings have substantially reduced, and she had a full meal at much smaller portion. The best part according to her is, clothes and daily wear are starting to loosen up quite a bit!

Find out more about our slimming program by calling 012-662 5552 or for privacy, email to contactus@premier-clinic.com. Find out more from our vast resources at www.premier-clinic.com