KL Aesthetic

Lara seek Fat Meso Injection for her arms at Premier Clinic

Losing weight can be due to aesthetics or health reason, and patients are usually advised to go for exercise, dieting, or get some slimming treatment done. But losing weight doesn’t necessary translate into slimming down, more specifically one might experience some form of reduction at a certain part of the body, but other area remains the same.

Lara Woon is not satisfied with her bulky arms. Although she is of reasonable size, she felt her arms are big and loose, making her looks flabby. Although she can slim down quite easily but a reduction on her arms proves extremely difficult.

She checked out Premier Clinic in Kuala Lumpur to find out what she can do to achieve slim and slender arms to complement her overall shape. She had an appointment with Dr. Elaine Chong for consultation and was advised to go for fat meso injection for the arms.

Fat meso injection is a targeted treatment suitable for isolated areas in the body that the patient might want to address. This treatment is popular due to it being formulaic in nature, where Dr. Elaine can adjust the dosage according to patient’s requirement.

Fat meso injection done at Premier Clinic is safe and natural as it is non-steroidal, and the results appear after the injected substance took effect in the body. Dr. Elaine also advised Lara to do some form of exercise as it would increase the body’s metabolic rate and burn more fat especially in the arms area.

Lara is impressed with how Dr. Elaine’s skilfully carried out injection with no pain and bruising on her arm. She thanks the staff too for their friendly approach while treating her, making her feel comfortable throughout the procedure.

Interested to try fat meso injection for stubborn fat in the body, call 012-662 5552 or contactus@premier-clinic.com. Read up on fat meso at www.premier-clinic.com