KL Aesthetic

Deep Dermal Rejuvenation with Derma Shine at Premier Clinic

Customers are constantly searching for aesthetic treatments that produce instant result with long lasting effect. Well, this is the most common requests we have from customers, and our advise is to best find a good aesthetic doctor, and for this doctor is equipped with the right technology.

Most of the time, treatment of a certain condition requires the right delivery system, which means delivering formulation into the body to achieve desired therapeutic effect. Now, with Derma Shine, you can experience unbelievable aesthetic result quickly with minimal downtime.

Ms. K have a relatively good skin except for some signs of dryness and freckle pigment build up on the cheek area. She tried Derma Shine at Premier Clinic to see how effective the delivery system is for aesthetic rejuvenation and of course, improvement for pigmentation.

Her face is first cleanse to remove residue before a thin layer of anaesthetic is applied on the face. Dr. Kee will then prepare the right formulation suitable for her skin. The concoction is then attached to Derma Shine machine to commence delivery of the right nourishment to treat the skin.

The Derma Shine machine is an advance aesthetics delivery system that emphasizes absorption and distribution of key ingredient deep into dermal tissue. With the right diagnosis, Dr. Kee is able to compound the right formula to deliver into the skin and treat the condition to desired effect.

We are glad that Kay is extremely satisfied with the treatment. She can almost feel the ingredients working inside her face, and is confident, this treatment will work perfectly fine for her.

For enquiry on Derma Shine treatment, please call 012 662 5552 or email your enquiries to contactus@premier-clinic.com