KL Aesthetic

Sideburn Hair Transplant HD Video

Sideburn Hair Transplant - Premier Clinic KL

Facial Hair Transplant

Restoring Hair to the Eyebrows, Goatee, Mustache, Beard and Sideburns

Facial hair transplantation is a procedure which restores hair to areas where facial hair growth is thin or missing. Facial hair transplants can also be used to conceal acne scars and other types of scars. Goals for this procedure can vary from a minor filling in or thin coverage of a limited area, to the full restoration of a thick and fuller facial hair. The procedure can be performed on areas where there is no hair or on areas where hair growth is thin and more fullness is desired.

The number of grafts required can vary but averages are as follows: 350-500 grafts for the mustache, 600-700 grafts for a full goatee, 200-250 grafts for each sideburn and eyebrows, and 300-700 grafts for a cheek beard. While not very common, some patients may require a second procedure to transplant additional grafts if they desire a very thick density.

Just as with a hair transplant to the head, the donor hairs for a facial hair transplant come from the back or sides of the scalp. Which site is used typically depends on which offers the closest match to the facial hair; sometimes it’s the back of the scalp while other times it’s the side of the scalp. Once transplanted, the hairs are permanent and typically grow just like facial hair with similar texture and other characteristics.

The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia with an oral sedative, depending on the patient’s choice. For the first 5 days after the procedure, tiny crusts are around each transplanted hair, and the transplanted area must be kept absolutely dry. patients are able to travel home and resume non strenuous activities, however the face will look like something was done for at least the first 3 to 4 days.

The transplanted hairs fall out at around 2 weeks, then start to regrow at 3 months, where they will continue to grow for a lifetime.

Contact us via call / whatsapp to +60126625552 or email  to contactus@premier-clinic.com to book your appointment for FREE CONSULTATION with our experienced doctors.