The usage of chemical peel for beauty care had been well documented with some believing that it dated as early as King Tut’s era, yes, that’s ancient Egypt,where raw form of fruits, veggies and dairy products were used to preserve smooth and flawless skin. While the earliest documented topical exfoliation was recorded in the 19th century, studies on chemical peel treatment have since continued through centuries.
In the early days, some of the ingredients used can be considered unsophisticated and crude even, but the medical effects was undeniable. Despite the years of rapid advancement in science and medicine, chemical peel still plays a role in modern aesthetics till today.
Lactic acid, popularly known as alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) peel can be considered a modern day chemical peel treatment with earliest documented usage dates back in 1882! Of course, the formulation had gone through numerous refinement, with better ingredients used for proven efficacy.
Dita is about to find out the full benefit of AHA peel at Premier Clinic. As far as chemical peel is concern, AHA is still preferred by many physicians for its long lasting effects. With the right mixture, chemical peel can be a potent treatment with instant brightening of the skin minus the negative effect such as drying and flaking.
Dr. Elaine proceeds to apply AHA onto Dita’s face, after which she timed the duration for the peeling process, to ensure delivery of key ingredients into epidermal tissue. Chemical peel if done professionally, would generate desirable new cell turnover for healthy looking skin.
Another crucial element for maximum benefit of AHA treatment is a properly manage post-care and using the right home care. Under the guidance of an experienced physician like Dr. Elaine, you can be assured that this simple treatment can produce staggering result yet easy to maintain.
For a fuss free chemical peel treatment that’s safe and effective, please contact us at 012-662 555 or email us at