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Can charcoal skin mask affect my skin?

There are many beauty trends and fads that come along every so often, and charcoal peel-off masks seem to be the latest. Many videos posted online show users spreading a thick, black paste on their faces before allowing some time for it to dry. This supposedly entraps various impurities on the skin such as dead skin, oil seeds, blackheads and whiteheads – all of these are removed when the dried mask is ripped off, leaving you with soft, smooth and poreless skin.

Not only does the mask stick to impurities, it also sticks to the outer layer of skin as well as hair. When the mask is pulled off, so are the essential oils that offer skin natural protection from the harsh environment. Potential side effects of such masks can include skin burn, irritation, rashes and sensitivity. These are not unlike the potential effects of waxing, and can be a real problem if the masks are used constantly.

Our skin has a natural protective layer called the lipid barrier which acts to minimise potential loss of moisture as well as playing an important part in ensuring skin stays strong and healthy. The results of charcoal peel masks are undeniable but it is arguable that constant use can actually cause more harm than benefit to your skin.

There is nothing wrong with using such masks, but it is strongly advised that you should use it once every two weeks, and only using masks from reputable skincare brands. Homemade versions that utilise super glue should definitely be avoided completely, and individuals suffering from skin issues such as eczema should also avoid charcoal peel masks.

If you would like to explore or enquire about our wide range of professional skin care services, do feel free to contact us at Premier Clinic by calling / SMS / WhatsApp (TTDI) +6012-662 5453, (Bangsar) +6012-662 4278, (Puchong) +6016-706 0101 or email contactus@premier-clinic.com

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